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Author: Eleonora

My name is Eleonora Pantò and I live in Turin: I started this blog in 2007 and it was a good suggestion from a friend to tell about the things I was doing. I mainly write about education and digital technologies. I started using the Internet at the end of the 1990s and I have always been fascinated by the possibility of communicating with people even far away: suddenly everything seemed attainable. Despite the various evolutions, the tools, the ugliness, I still believe that the web and the Internet are a great invention.


Five days after more than 350 African migrants lost their lives when the boat they were travelling on bound for Europe sank off the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa, a commission in the Italian Senate voted in favor of repealing the crime of illegal immigration. The commission on the evening of 9 October 2013 recommended that theBossi-Fini Law, which defined the crime of illegal immigration and prohibited bystanders from coming to the aid of illegal migrants, be modified to decriminalize undocumented…

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7 absurd prohibitions for women

7 absurd prohibitions for women

The movement of opinion to allow women to drive in Saudi Arabia may help to resolve a situation incomprehensible to most people. The day for the right for women to drive a car that was celebrated on October 26, 2013 gave international visibility to this issue. However, in the world there are many cases of unequal rights of women similarly absurd. The Washington Post article highlights seven cases: in India, the helmet is not “compulsory for women not to spoil…

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Adaptive, creative, social and personal is the new education

Adaptive, creative, social and personal is the new education

Today I followed the streaming of @SirKenRobisons in his talk for RSA “How to change education – from the ground up” – RSA is the organization that realized the graphical edition of the speech of Ken Robinson “Changing education paradigm” The today’s talk (Jul,1 2013) in about 45 minutes, had the aim to describe how to fix education, after his previous talks in which he described the troubles in education. Of course, the years pass for everyone and today the event…

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My first home made bread

My first home made bread

I’ve already written of my participation to the healthy cooking course , organized by GADOS, and I learned that you can cook reducing fat and sugar, and using new ingredients (for me) as the arrow root (which is used more or less as corn starch), agar agar (to make azuki pudding ) or many other spices. The teacher  that organizes the course on behalf of Giolitti school, the last night gave us the natural yeast and I had  also the other natural yeast…

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The School of Open

The School of Open

[:en]The School of Open has launched! Take a free online course on copyright, CC licenses, Wikipedia, open science, open culture, open video formats, and more at Especially check out this course:Get a CC license. Put it on your website. Read more about the launch at[:]

Free Blogger Ali Abdulemam

Free Blogger Ali Abdulemam

[:en] (Original article From Global Voices Advocacy) Ali Abdulemam, a leading Bahraini blogger and Global Voices Advocacy author, was arrested earlier today by the Bahraini authorities for allegedly spreading “false news” on portal, one of the most popular pro-democracy outlets in Bahrain, amidst the worst sectarian crackdown by the government in years, and accusations of a supposed “terror network” involving several political and human rights activists. The BahrainOnline portal is censored in Bahrain. He sent an email earlier today…

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[OER in Italy] A course from TACCLE: creating elearning content

[OER in Italy] A course from TACCLE: creating elearning content

The next TACCLE course “Creating your own e-learning content in school education and adult education” which will be organised from 3 April 2011 until 10 April 2011 in Ancona (IT). With this in-service training our aim is to help teachers to develop state of the art content for e-learning in general and for learning environments in particular. We try to achieve this by training teachers to create e-learning materials and raising their awareness of e-learning in general. TACCLE will help…

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[OER in Italy] Take part in a European Survey on OER and OEP

[OER in Italy] Take part in a European Survey on OER and OEP

[:it]Segnalo questa indagine sul tema delle OER/OEP a cura del progetto OPAL [The OPAL Initiative is a partnership between seven organizations including the ICDE, UNESCO, European Foundation for Quality, the Open University UK, Aalto University and the Catholic University Portugal. It is led by the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany and partly funded by the European Commission.] ============ OPAL is producing a quantitative study on the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) in Higher Education and…

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The Jetpack for Learning Design Challenge

The Jetpack for Learning Design Challenge

[:en]Philipp Schmidt (of the Peer 2 Peer University), today send to the Mozilla Open Education list, this announce for a new initiative, sponsored by Mozilla and with support of the MacArthur Foundation, that I am pleased to share Help turn the open Web into a rich learning environment and explore new possibilities for using Firefox add-ons to support learning online, as part of the the Jetpack for Learning Design Challenge sponsored by the Mozilla Foundation with support from the MacArthur…

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Help European govts embrace Web 2.0

Help European govts embrace Web 2.0

[:en]Following to this workshop in Brussels , the promoters of that meeting started this initiative addressed to influence EU Member States in adopting more openness and transparency: the idea is to write in a collaborative and collective way a manifesto to be presented, during the the EU ministerial conference on November 19-20, 2009 where they will define the main priorities of e-government in the next three years. The manifesto about public service 2.0 is under construction and your help in…

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